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Na margem certa da vida, a esquerda.


Na margem certa da vida, a esquerda.


A Revolução não é feita só de tiros nem de cravos. A Revolução também é feita de beijos que atingem em cheio o peito -  uns ferem, outros matam - e de beijos perdidos, disparados sem mira e sem pontaria, para o ar.
A Revolução não se acompanha só de música de intervenção. Também se instiga com estrofes melosas cantadas baixinho ao ouvido, com poemas de Cortázar, e com a canção do bandido.
A Revolução sou eu, foi o que ele disse. Não acreditas? Ou tens medo de ir à luta sem armas?
Quero cuidar-te. Lamber as tuas feridas.
O amor não oprime, ou não é amor. E não havendo maior Revolução que o amor, também não existirá amor maior do que a transformação revolucionária do que está errado, injusto e triste. Eu sou a Revolução, tu és a Revolução. Seremos mártires ou carrascos, mas jamais amordaçados, jamais apenas vítimas sem nome, águas estagnadas e conformadas. Não me renderei.


Ok! Do you want something simple? 
Ok! Do you want something simple? 
Ok! Do you want something simple? 
Ok! Do you want something simple? 
The news, do you want something simple? 
The look, do you want something simple? 
The letters, do you want something simple? 
The jokes, do you want something simple? 
The games, do you want something simple? 
The nights, do you want something simple? 
The boys, do you want something simple? 
The girls, do you want something simple? 
The words, do you want something simple? 
The friends, do you want something simple? 
The rest, do you want something simple? 
And sex, do you want something simple? 

Why can't you understand, how I'm feeling now? 
Why don't feel me, why can't you understand? 
Please open your hand when you don't know how to do, 
You want my life, but you've just said no more, 
Everything is just my fault, the life well done, 
I can't understand you more yeah, 
And I can't understand you more. 

Ok! Do you want something simple? 
Ok! Do you want something simple? 
Ok! Do you want something simple? 
Ok! Do you want something simple? 
The films, do you want something simple? 
The songs, do you want something simple? 
And love, do you want something simple? 
The drinks, do you want something simple? 
Art pop, do you want something simple? 
TV, do you want something simple? 
The silence... 

Why can you decide how I'm feeling now? 
Your heart is following mine, 
Behind this sacrifice, can't you see the words? 
Can't you see the things? Well I can go on, 
Why don't you find another why? 
Everything looks like a crash, 
When I used to fall, 
I can understand you more yeah, 
And I can understand you more, 
And you cry? 
And your heart goes, cry? 
And your city, why? 
Can't you feel? Can't you see? 
What is happening to me? 
All the thinking time, 
All the love you gave it to me, 
Gave it to me, I can understand you, 
Why? Why this happen? Why? 
Can't you see I'm selling lies? 
Sitting at a table, why? 
Why you want my life? 
Why do you want me yeah? 
And I can understand you, 
And I can understand you, I can, 
What is happening to me? 
What is happening? 
Can't you see now? 
Can't you see now? 
Can't you see? 

I can understand you, why? 
What is happening to us? 

This song is too simple, 
This song is too simple, 
This song...