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Na margem certa da vida, a esquerda.


Na margem certa da vida, a esquerda.


Because we forgive each other before we can say “I’m sorry”. Because I go through so much trouble to buy stamps to put on an “I love you” card that I end up delivering it myself in your mailbox and you call me before you see it to say pretty much the same. Because you ask me to marry you, and I answer “will you marry me?”. Because you know how to piss me off and I fall for it every time. Because you trip on my slippers and that’s how much I miss you too. Because I saved the blue toothbrush for you. Because if you go, I’ll go with you, because I will go and you’ll come along too. Because I kissed the telephone so many times. Because you wash the dishes before you let me in your kitchen. Because we drink the same tea. Because our love is still the same, only bigger each day.






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